Hanging out with data people

I co-hosted a “Data Science Hangout” in May.

Alice Walsh true

I was the “co-host” for a Data Science Hangout a few weeks ago in May. These are weekly informal conversations for data science leaders hosted by Rachael Dempsey and RStudio. Thanks Rachael for inviting me! You can find the recording of the event over on RStudio’s YouTube.

Rachael and RStudio did a fantastic job recapping the conversation in the video description. However, I will add a rough outline of the topics covered here.

1. Optimizing remote work

2. Getting better data versus imputing missing data

3. Conferences, tech, and leadership styles

4. Hiring (emphasis on remote hiring)


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For attribution, please cite this work as

Walsh (2022, June 18). Alice Walsh: Hanging out with data people. Retrieved from https://awalsh17.github.io/posts/2022-06-18-data-science-hangout/

BibTeX citation

  author = {Walsh, Alice},
  title = {Alice Walsh: Hanging out with data people},
  url = {https://awalsh17.github.io/posts/2022-06-18-data-science-hangout/},
  year = {2022}